Digital Media in classroom

This site is the bee's knees

Response to Greenwashing

The video grabs our attention with a blank screen which brings to the forefront their premise clearly, being green, in which they did by saving energy by turning the lights off. The video is a conversation about two puppets who debate about people, more specifically companies, being environmentally friendly. They mention how companies present themselves to be environmentally conscious and aware. However, they argue that it is merely a facade and more about presenting their brand to be more likeable by public. They draw attention to the fact that, companies present ideas that they are environmentally friendly yet do not back it up with any evidence or facts on how, so essentially, empty facts. This video is can be insightful to teaching children on how the internet and media can manipulate the audience’s perceptions by presentation and cloud the truth. It proves as an example and gives reasons on how the media and internet is not always full of truth and can be quite dishonest on how they present themselves. The video also links us to which could be used as a tool to explore the facts of ‘green companies’ with the classroom.

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This entry was posted on March 26, 2014 by .